What the faq's

What Are The Frequently Asked Questions?

Welcome to our FAQs at Above and Beyond Professionals Ltd. 


We understand that the student experience can be both exciting and overwhelming, with many twists and turns along the way. Whether you’re a prospective student seeking insights into your academic future or a current student in need of support with various aspects of university life, we’re here to guide you through it all.


This WTF (What’s The Frequently Asked Questions) page is designed with you in mind, aiming to provide answers to the most common questions and concerns that students like you often have. We believe that knowledge is key, and we’re committed to arming you with the information you need to thrive academically and make the most of your educational journey.


Our WTF page, organized into ten key topics, is here to provide you with the essential information you need. Whether you’re in the process of choosing the right university, exploring academic programs, or considering opportunities for financial aid, our goal is to be your trusted resource. We’ll guide you through everything from visa applications to adapting to a new culture and help you prepare for life as an international student. 


At Above and Beyond, we are committed to ensuring your academic journey is as smooth and successful as possible. 

Got some questions? Connect us on WhatsApp!


Here are some of the topics we cover in our FAQs.

  • Choosing the Right University
  • Academic Program Selection
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid
  • Visa Application Process
  • Pre-Departure Preparation
  • Health and Safety Abroad
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Part-Time Work Opportunities
  • Post-Study Opportunities

1. Choosing the right university

When it comes to researching universities, it’s essential to take a comprehensive approach. Begin by reflecting on your academic and personal goals. Consider the specific programs you’re passionate about and any unique needs you might have, such as location preferences or financial considerations.

Start by exploring university ranking websites and educational databases to create an initial list of potential institutions. However, don’t stop there; delve deeper into the university websites themselves. This is where you’ll find valuable information about individual programs, faculty profiles, and the range of student support services offered.

Additionally, reach out to academic advisors, teachers, or mentors who can provide insights based on their knowledge and expertise in your chosen field of study. Their guidance can be invaluable in helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your educational and career aspirations.

When selecting a university, there are several crucial factors to consider, and the decision should be based on a well-rounded evaluation. Begin by contemplating the program offerings, faculty expertise, research opportunities, campus facilities, and the track record of alumni success. These elements can greatly impact your educational experience and future prospects.


While university rankings can provide valuable insights, they should not be the sole deciding factor. It’s important to strike a balance between rankings and other aspects that align with your goals and personal preferences. Location is one such factor. The location of the university plays a significant role in your overall experience. Think about your comfort level in various settings, the climate, proximity to home, and potential job opportunities in the area post-graduation. Consider your unique needs and how they align with the university’s location.

Certainly, as your educational consultant, our primary role is to assist you in finding universities that align with your chosen field of study and personal aspirations. To begin this process, we’ll engage in a comprehensive discussion to understand your academic interests, career objectives, and any specific program requirements you may have.


Based on this information, we will provide you with a tailored list of universities known for offering exceptional programs in your field of interest. This list will encompass institutions that not only excel academically but also offer the specific resources and opportunities you seek for your educational journey. Our aim is to empower you with the information you need to make an informed decision that propels you towards your academic and career goals.

It’s essential to understand the distinction between public and private universities, as it can significantly impact your education and financial considerations. Public universities typically receive government funding, which often leads to lower tuition fees, especially for in-state residents. Private universities, on the other hand, rely more heavily on tuition fees and endowments to sustain their operations.


While public universities can offer a cost advantage for in-state students, private institutions may provide more extensive financial aid opportunities. The key to navigating this decision lies in carefully considering your eligibility for scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs. By exploring these options, you can make a well-informed choice that aligns with your budget and financial goals.

University accreditation is a crucial factor when evaluating educational institutions. Accreditation serves as an assurance that an institution meets specific quality and educational standards. Attending an accredited university is generally advisable because it ensures that your degree is not only recognized but also respected by employers and other institutions.


However, there may be cases where unaccredited institutions offer unique programs or opportunities that align with your educational and career goals. In such instances, it becomes vital to conduct thorough research and carefully consider the long-term implications of your decision. While accredited institutions are generally a safer choice, there can be exceptions that warrant careful evaluation.

2. Academic Program Selection:

Determining your academic and career goals is a crucial first step in selecting the right program of study. Begin by reflecting on your interests, passions, and long-term aspirations. Ask yourself what subjects genuinely excite you and what kind of career path you envision. Consider any skills or talents you possess that can be developed through education.


To gain clarity, it’s helpful to engage in self-assessment exercises, seek advice from mentors or career counsellors, and explore various fields of study. Additionally, researching potential careers and understanding their requirements can provide valuable insights. Ultimately, the right program should align with your personal and professional aspirations, allowing you to pursue your passions and contribute meaningfully to your chosen field.

Understanding the distinction between undergraduate and graduate programs is essential in making an informed decision. Undergraduate programs typically refer to bachelor’s degrees, which are the initial stages of higher education. They provide a broad foundation in a chosen field and usually take around four years to complete.


Graduate programs, on the other hand, encompass master’s and doctoral degrees and are more specialized and research-oriented. They typically require prior completion of a bachelor’s degree. Choosing between the two depends on your career goals. If you seek a broader understanding of a field and are exploring career options, an undergraduate program may be suitable. If you have a clear career path and desire in-depth expertise, a graduate program may be the right choice.

Yes, it is often possible to change your major or program after you’ve commenced your studies abroad, although the process may vary by institution. If you find that your initial choice doesn’t align with your interests or goals, consider the following steps:


  • Consult with academic advisors or counsellors to discuss your desire to change majors.
  • Understand any prerequisites or admission requirements for the new program.
  • Assess the impact of the change on your academic progress and graduation timeline.
  • Be prepared to adapt to any additional coursework or requirements that may be necessary.
  • Changing your major can be a positive step toward pursuing your true passions and long-term goals, so don’t hesitate to explore this option if needed.

Yes, various programs and majors may have specific prerequisites or admission requirements. These prerequisites can include prerequisite courses, standardized tests, or portfolios, depending on the field of study. To ensure eligibility for your desired program, it’s essential to:


  • Review the admission requirements provided by the university or program.
  • Fulfil any prerequisite courses or exams if necessary.
  • Prepare application materials, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement, according to program guidelines.
  • Seek guidance from the university’s admissions office or academic advisors for clarification on specific requirements.
  • Meeting these prerequisites ensures that you are well-prepared for success in your chosen program.

Aligning your chosen program with your long-term career aspirations is crucial for a fulfilling educational journey. Here are steps to ensure alignment:


  • Research your desired career path: Understand the skills, qualifications, and demands of your chosen career.
  • Explore program offerings: Examine the curriculum, course offerings, and opportunities for specialization within your program.
  • Seek guidance: Consult with academic advisors or career counsellors who can provide insights and recommendations.
  • Connect with professionals: Network with individuals in your desired field to gain firsthand knowledge and advice.
  • Consider internships or co-op programs: Explore opportunities for hands-on experience related to your field of interest.
  • Set clear goals: Define your short-term and long-term career goals to keep your academic choices aligned.

3. English Language Proficiency:

Language proficiency requirements for universities vary but are typically measured using standardized tests such as the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). These tests assess your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English. The required scores may vary from one university to another and even among different programs within the same institution. It’s essential to check the specific requirements of the universities and programs you’re interested in.

Many universities recognize the importance of helping international students succeed academically and linguistically. As a result, they often offer English language courses or ESL (English as a Second Language) programs for students who haven’t met the language proficiency requirements. These courses are designed to improve your English language skills and prepare you for academic coursework. It’s a valuable option for students looking to enhance their language abilities before pursuing their primary academic programs.

Yes, language proficiency tests like TOEFL and IELTS are typically offered in many countries around the world. They have designated test centres where you can register and take the test. The availability and frequency of these tests vary by location, but they are usually offered multiple times throughout the year, allowing you to choose a date that aligns with your study abroad plans. You can check the official websites of these tests for specific test centre locations and exam dates in your home country.

If you don’t achieve the required language score on your first attempt, don’t be discouraged. Many students find it beneficial to retake the test after additional preparation. Consider enrolling in a test preparation course or working with a tutor to strengthen your language skills. Additionally, review your test results to identify areas where you can improve. Most universities accept the highest score you achieve, so retaking the test can be a strategic way to meet the requirements.

While many universities require language proficiency tests, some institutions, particularly in non-English-speaking countries, may offer programs with no such requirement. These programs are designed to provide intensive language instruction alongside academic coursework, allowing you to improve your language skills while pursuing your degree. However, it’s crucial to research and verify whether the programs you’re interested in have language proficiency test waivers such as MOI (Medium Of Instruction- In English) and what alternative language support they offer.

4. Scholarships and Financial Aid:

Scholarships for international students can be found through various sources:

  • University Scholarships: Many universities offer scholarships based on academic excellence, diversity, or specific programs.
  • Government Scholarships: Some countries provide scholarships to international students as part of their foreign aid programs.
  • Private Organizations: Numerous private organizations, foundations, and companies offer scholarships.
  • Online Scholarship Databases: Websites like Scholarship.com, Fastweb, and Scholarships.com are valuable resources for finding scholarships.
  • Home Country: Check if your home country offers scholarships for students studying abroad.

To apply, follow these general steps:

  • Research and identify scholarships that match your eligibility and interests.
  • Review the application requirements, deadlines, and submission procedures.
  • Prepare the necessary documents, which may include transcripts, recommendation letters, and essays.
  • Submit your applications by the specified deadlines.
  • Monitor your email and notifications for updates on your scholarship applications.

Eligibility criteria vary widely depending on the scholarship. Common criteria include academic achievement, leadership qualities, extracurricular involvement, and financial need. Some scholarships may target specific fields of study or countries.


Scholarship competitiveness also varies. Prestigious scholarships like the Fulbright or Rhodes Scholarships are highly competitive due to the large number of applicants. However, many scholarships are available with less intense competition, especially those offered by universities or smaller organizations. Tailoring your applications to match your strengths and unique experiences can improve your chances.

Yes, there are often scholarships tailored to specific countries or fields of study. Some scholarships aim to promote diversity, cultural exchange, or certain academic disciplines. To find scholarships for your country or field of study, consider the following:

  • Consult with your university’s international student office.
  • Explore government-sponsored scholarships from your home country.
  • Use online scholarship databases and search filters to narrow down options.
  • Research scholarships related to your academic major or area of interest.

Combining multiple scholarships is possible, but it depends on the terms and conditions of each scholarship. Some scholarships may allow you to stack awards, while others have restrictions against it. It’s essential to check with the scholarship providers for their policies on stacking.


Scholarships are typically not loans, so you don’t need to repay them. They are awarded based on merit, need, or specific criteria, and the funds are intended to support your education without the obligation of repayment.

In addition to scholarships, international students can explore other financial resources:

  • On-Campus Work: Many universities offer on-campus job opportunities for international students.
  • Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships: These positions may be available in your academic department.
  • Internships: Consider paid internships related to your field of study.
  • Part-Time Jobs: Depending on visa regulations, you may be eligible for off-campus part-time employment.
  • Grants: Explore grants offered by research organizations or institutions.
  • Financial Aid: Check if your university offers need-based financial aid.

5. Visa Application Process:

Applying for a student visa involves several steps and the submission of specific documents. While the exact process may vary by country and institution, here is a general overview:

  • Acceptance to a University: You typically need an acceptance letter from a recognized educational institution.
  • Visa Application: Complete the student visa application form for your intended study destination.
  • Required Documents: Gather essential documents, including your passport, visa application form, acceptance letter, proof of funds, passport-sized photos, and any additional documents specified by the consulate or embassy.
  • Visa Fee: Pay the visa application fee.
  • Visa Interview: Some countries require a visa interview at their embassy or consulate.
  • Biometrics: Attend a biometric appointment if required.
  • Wait for Approval: Wait for your visa to be approved, which may take several weeks.

Processing times for student visas can vary widely, depending on the country and time of year. It’s generally advisable to apply as early as possible, preferably after receiving an admission offer. Applying in advance ensures you have sufficient time to complete the visa process, attend any interviews, and make travel arrangements.

Student visas often allow for limited work opportunities, but the rules differ by country. Common restrictions include:

  • Part-Time Work: You may be allowed to work part-time during your studies (e.g., 20 hours per week).
  • Full-Time Work: Some countries permit full-time work during scheduled breaks or holidays.
  • On-Campus Work: On-campus jobs are typically allowed without additional authorization.
  • Off-Campus Work: Off-campus employment may require specific permissions and may be subject to hourly restrictions.

It’s essential to check the specific work regulations for your study destination and adhere to them to maintain visa compliance.

If your visa application is rejected, don’t panic. You can usually reapply, but it’s essential to address the reasons for the rejection. Some common reasons for rejection include insufficient funds, incomplete documentation, or doubts about your intentions to return to your home country after your studies.

To improve your chances, consider the following:

  • Review the rejection letter for specific reasons and seek guidance from the consulate or embassy.
  • Ensure that all required documents are complete and accurate.
  • Address any financial concerns by providing additional evidence of funding or sponsorships.
  • Demonstrate strong ties to your home country, such as family, property, or job commitments, to establish your intention to return after your studies.
  • Reapplying with a more comprehensive and well-documented application can lead to a successful outcome.

Most countries require international students to demonstrate proof of financial support to obtain a student visa. The minimum amount required varies widely based on the cost of living in the study destination and the duration of your program. It typically includes tuition fees and living expenses.

6. Pre-Departure Preparation:

Before departing for your study abroad destination, ensure you have the following documents ready:

  • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended return date.
  • Visa: Obtain the necessary student visa and comply with its requirements.
  • Acceptance Letter: Carry your university acceptance letter and any related documents.
  • Financial Documents: Keep copies of bank statements, scholarship letters, and financial support proof.
  • Health Records: Maintain your medical records, vaccination certificates, and prescriptions.
  • Travel Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel and health insurance.
  • Contact Information: Prepare a list of emergency contacts and important phone numbers.

Start the process well in advance, ideally several months before your departure, to allow ample time for visa processing and document collection.

To ensure your academic credentials are properly recognized:

  • Verify Requirements: Research the specific recognition requirements of your destination country and university.
  • Transcript Translation: If necessary, translate your academic transcripts and certificates into the official language of your study destination.
  • Credential Evaluation: Some countries require foreign credentials to be evaluated by credential evaluation agencies to determine their equivalence.
  • Notarization and Apostille: Some countries may require notarization and apostille of your documents to confirm their authenticity.

Check with your university’s admissions office or the consulate/embassy of your destination country for precise guidelines on credential recognition.

When booking flights and accommodation:

  • Flight Flexibility: Consider flexible flight options, allowing you to change dates if needed.
  • Student Discounts: Look for airlines and travel agencies offering student discounts.
  • Accommodation: Choose accommodation close to your university with easy access to public transportation.
  • Pre-Booking: Book your accommodation well in advance to secure preferred options.
  • Roommates: If applicable, discuss roommate arrangements with your university or accommodation provider.

Creating a packing checklist can help you stay organized. Essentials to consider include:

  • Passport, visa, and travel documents
  • Clothing appropriate for the destination’s climate
  • Laptop, chargers, and adapters
  • Personal hygiene products and medications
  • Bedding and linens, if not provided
  • Kitchen and cooking essentials if you plan to cook
  • Study materials and textbooks
  • Important contact information

Customize your checklist based on your destination and personal preferences.

To manage your finances while studying abroad:

  • Open a Local Bank Account: Set up a bank account in your study destination to manage local expenses.
  • Currency Exchange: Be aware of currency exchange rates and plan for exchange fees.
  • Budgeting: Create a budget to track your expenses and ensure you stay within your means.
  • Emergency Fund: Set aside funds for unexpected expenses or emergencies.
  • Notify Your Bank: Inform your home bank of your international travel plans to prevent any issues with card usage.

7. Health and Safety Abroad:

Before travelling, consult with a healthcare professional or a travel clinic to determine the necessary vaccinations and health precautions based on your destination. Common health precautions may include vaccinations for diseases like hepatitis, typhoid, or influenza, TB or Covid-19. Additionally, consider having a general health check-up and obtaining any necessary prescriptions for medications you might need while abroad.

Health insurance is essential while studying abroad. 

You may need:

International Student Health Insurance: Many universities require international students to have health insurance, and they often offer their own plans.

Travel Insurance: Consider comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.

To find affordable coverage, compare different insurance plans, consider group plans offered by universities, and look for policies designed specifically for international students.

Ensuring your well-being abroad involves taking safety precautions. Here’s a Checklist.

  • Familiarise yourself with local laws and customs.
  • Avoid risky neighbourhoods or areas, especially at night.
  • Keeping your personal belongings secure and being vigilant against theft.
  • Using reliable transportation and avoiding unlicensed taxis.
  • Not sharing sensitive personal information with strangers.
  • Stay informed about your surroundings and follow guidance provided by your university or local authorities.

In case of a medical emergency:

  • Call local emergency services immediately (e.g., 911 or the equivalent).
  • Contact your university’s international student office or your designated emergency contact.
  • If possible, go to a reputable healthcare facility or hospital.


Most study-abroad destinations have reliable healthcare facilities, but it’s essential to have health insurance that covers emergencies and to know how to access medical care in your host country.

To stay informed about travel advisories and safety updates:

  • Register with your embassy or consulate in the host country.
  • Sign up for travel advisories and alerts from government websites.
  • Stay connected with your university’s international student office for updates and guidance.
  • Download relevant apps or subscribe to email notifications from trusted sources for real-time information.

8. Cultural Adaptation:

Preparing for cultural differences involves:

  • Research: Learn about the customs, traditions, and social norms of your host country.
  • Open-Mindedness: Embrace a mindset of curiosity and respect for different cultures.
  • Language Skills: Improve your language skills to facilitate communication.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural nuances and avoid making assumptions.

Overcoming homesickness and building a support network includes:

  • Reach Out: Connect with fellow international and local students.
  • Join Clubs and Activities: Participate in clubs, sports, or hobbies to meet people.
  • Communicate: Stay in touch with family and friends back home.
  • Explore: Engage in local activities and explore your new surroundings.
  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from university counsellors or advisors.

Adapting to local customs and etiquette involves:

  • Greeting Customs: Learn how to greet people and use appropriate titles.
  • Dining Etiquette: Understand table manners and the importance of punctuality.
  • Personal Space: Be mindful of personal space boundaries.
  • Gestures and Symbols: Be aware of gestures and symbols with cultural significance.
  • Dress Code: Dress appropriately according to local norms and occasions.

To connect with others for cultural exchange:

  • International Student Organizations: Join or attend events organized by international student associations.
  • Language Partnerships: Engage in language exchange programs with locals.
  • Cultural Centers: Visit cultural centres or organizations dedicated to promoting cultural exchange.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Participate in volunteer activities or community service projects.
  • Online Platforms: Use social media or online forums to connect with international and local communities.

Balancing cultural identity and embracing new experiences involves:

  • Self-Reflection: Explore your own cultural identity and values.
  • Dialogue: Engage in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Cultural Events: Attend cultural festivals, exhibitions, and events.
  • Share Your Culture: Share your own culture and traditions with others.
  • Keep in Touch: Stay connected with your cultural roots through food, music, and traditions.

9. Part-Time Work Opportunities:

Part-time work regulations for international students vary by country and may include restrictions on the number of hours (20 hr / week typically) you can work during the academic year and eligibility criteria. Typically, you’ll need to check your study visa conditions or consult your university’s international student office for specific information.

You can find part-time job opportunities through various channels:

  • University Resources: Your university’s career centre or international student office often offers job listings and guidance on applying for positions.
  • Online Job Boards: Explore local job search websites or platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Networking: Attend career fairs, and networking events, and join student clubs related to your field of interest.
  • Local Employers: Visit local businesses, cafes, and shops to inquire about job openings.

Wage ranges for part-time jobs vary widely depending on your location and the nature of the work. Entry-level positions may offer minimum wage, while more specialized roles may pay higher. When managing work hours alongside your studies, consider your academic workload, class schedule, and personal commitments. It’s crucial to strike a balance that allows you to excel academically while gaining work experience.

Certain countries may have restrictions or require specific work permits or authorizations for international students to engage in certain types of part-time employment. These restrictions could include work-hour limits during the academic year, eligibility criteria, or additional documentation. Ensure you understand and comply with the regulations in your host country.

Part-time work experience abroad can offer several benefits to your future career:

  • Skill Development: Gain practical skills and real-world experience relevant to your field of study.
  • Cultural Adaptation: Enhance cross-cultural communication and adaptability.
  • Networking: Build a professional network and establish contacts in your industry.
  • Resume Enhancement: Bolster your resume with international work experience.
  • Financial Support: Contribute to your living expenses and gain financial independence.
  • Future Opportunities: Some part-time jobs may lead to internship or full-time job opportunities after graduation.

10. Post-Study Opportunities:

After completing your studies abroad, you have several options,

  • Employment: Seek employment opportunities in your study destination or return to your home country.
  • Further Studies: Pursue advanced degrees or additional courses.
  • Post-Study Work Visas: Some countries offer post-study work visas, allowing you to work for a specified period after graduation.
  • Entrepreneurship: Explore entrepreneurship opportunities and start your own business.
  • Return to Home Country: Return to your home country with your newly acquired skills and knowledge.

The steps for transitioning from a student visa to a work visa vary by country and may include:

  • Job Search: Secure a job offer from a local employer.
  • Visa Application: Apply for a relevant work visa or permit.
  • Documentation: Prepare required documents, including proof of employment and financial stability.
  • Application Submission: Submit your visa application to the appropriate immigration authorities.
  • Wait for Approval: Wait for your work visa to be approved.
  • Transition: Transition from your student status to work status.

Consult the immigration authorities or your university’s international student office for specific information and requirements.

Please Note: This option is not available for Tier-4 Student Visa Holders in UK.

Resources and guidance on job searching and networking can be found through:

  • University Career Services: Utilize career counselling, job listings, and workshops offered by your university.
  • Online Job Platforms: Explore local job boards, LinkedIn, and industry-specific websites.
  • Networking Events: Attend career fairs, industry conferences, and meetups.
  • Alumni Networks: Connect with alumni from your university who can provide advice and networking opportunities.
  • Professional Associations: Join relevant professional organizations in your field.

The industries or sectors that hire international graduates vary by location and the demand for specific skills. It’s essential to research the job market in your study destination and identify sectors with opportunities aligned with your qualifications.

Support services and alumni networks that can assist you include:

  • University Career Services: Many universities offer career services for alumni.
  • International Student Offices: Stay in touch with the international student office for career guidance.
  • Alumni Associations: Join your university’s alumni association to access networking events.
  • Online Platforms: Connect with alumni on LinkedIn or alumni-specific platforms.
  • Professional Organizations: Join industry-specific professional associations for networking.

Our FAQ page is your one-stop destination for answers to all your questions about studying abroad. We believe in your potential and want to empower you to go “above and beyond” in your educational journey.


If you’ve found this information helpful but still have specific queries or need personalized guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need assistance with university selection, program choices, financial aid, or any other aspect of studying abroad, we’re just a message or call away.


Your dreams and aspirations are important to us, and we’re excited to be part of your academic adventure. Let’s connect and make your international education experience exceptional. Contact us today!

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